All The Tea and China – 30/8/2014-20/9/2014
‘All The Tea and China’ curated by Christine Pike
This 3D selling exhibition of work by
a group of artists, celebrates
‘the cuppa that cheers’
Open: 30 August – 20 September 2014
Applications are now open for artists and craftspeople to submit 3-D work for a selling exhibition on the theme of tea drinking and making, which Christine Pike, Gallery Coordinator of the Babylon Gallery, Ely, will be curating soon at the Greyfriars Art Space (GAS) in St James Street, King Lynn.
Whilst it is expected that a large proportion of work submitted will be made of clay and take the form of vessels, teapots, etc, however, artists are encouraged to be inventive and to submit work in any material or form, so long as the finished piece is 3D and has a connection with tea. Pieces do not necessarily need to be functional (think Méret Oppenheim’s Surrealist furred teacup) and artists may collaborate on a piece of work if they wish.
There will be prizes for the most beautiful and the most unusual drinking vessels, as voted for by the public. In addition, there will be a poetry competition, with the winner being presented with a specially-commissioned teacup.
Further details and application forms can be found at www.teakingslynn.wordpress