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Paul Ebbens lives and works in West Norfolk. He works with clay but is not a ‘potter’ in the traditional sense. It is more appropriate to call him a ‘ceramic artist’.

He makes pots & vessels, work that could perform a function however this is not his main motivation.

It could be said that Paul ‘paints’ with clay. He has made faces and abstract images that have a more pictorial quality and are vibrantly coloured or glazed.

Perhaps his strongest pieces are the installations. For example ‘Daisies’ that was shown in 2003. Each piece is individually crafted that forms a larger whole. A bit like a Chuck Close portrait Painting perhaps.

A more recent project was ‘Attachments’ (2008) which formed part of the ‘Hanse Art Works’ project based in Salzwedel Germany. Stationary items such as paperclips and elastic bands are presented in a larger than life format. These objects are aesthetically pleasing & can be enjoyed as individual pieces. As an installation they form a stronger work of Art that evokes the idea of our throw away society.

Though Paul does not focus on one ‘type’ of work, what it all has in common is colour and vibrancy. Please see the gallery to view his collection, which ranges from Pots, vessels, clay portraits, abstract hangings and installations.

